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Best Christmas Hampers Edmonton

The 6 Best Options for Christmas Hampers in Edmonton


Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta in Canada and is popular for being the home of contemporary landmarks such as the Royal Alberta Museum and the Art Gallery of Alberta. But aside from these grand structures, the city also puts a lot of significance on holidays by spreading great gift hampers to everyone.

Here are the best shops for Christmas hampers in Edmonton.

1. Hazelton’s


Best For Holiday hampers
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from CAD $42.99
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Contact [email protected]
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal

Hazelton’s is recognized as the top gift basket delivery business in the country, which is why many of their customers rely on finding the perfect holiday hamper from their premium collections.

2. The Sweet Basket


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from CAD$39.95
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Contact 514.683.3885 | [email protected]
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal

The Sweet Basket Company was established with their love for community at their core, so they put together many gift items together in a bundle for their customers to give to their loved ones and make them feel special.

3. Yorkville’s


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from CAD $50
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact 1-(800) 813-1596 | [email protected]
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, JCB, PayPal

Yorkville’s is one of the best gift companies in the country and they want everyone to feel the warmth and comfort during the holidays. They create beautiful gift hampers composed with some of the best gift items for Christmas, making sure it’s something people can enjoy and share together.

4. Boodle of Baskets


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from CAD $30.00
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact 519-979-6668
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express

Boodle of Baskets has been a go-to gift company for almost 20 years. They offer gorgeous gift hampers for a variety of occasions or special celebration.

5. Bread and Butter Basket Company


Best For Snackable hampers
Selection Size Small
Price Range Starts from CAD $35
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Contact (780) 999-4986 | [email protected]
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Bread and Butter Basket Company offers a variety of good treats such as decadent chocolates, home baked breads, tasty cookies, and more. They put these together in a bunch that will make a lasting impression to loved ones.

6. Gift It Up LLC

Best ForBaskets for all occasions
Selection SizeMedium
Price RangeStarts from $69.00
Delivery FeeDepends on location
PaymentVisa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal, JCB

Gift It Up LLC is an Edmonton-based company that specializes in gift baskets for all occasions. They offer and provide the said services to the Edmonton region and now also offer to ship across the whole of Canada.

Locally produced, the company has a niche for creating and delivering gift boxes with excellent customization options for a sure quality experience.

The company handles every order with care as each basket is crafted and created once the order is made and does not provide pre-made gifts.

They are driven to deliver expertly wrapped gift boxes that represent the business and put a smile on the recipients. Furthermore, they ensure that they are able to design a gifting program within the client’s budget, guidelines, and purpose.