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Best Florists Invercargill

The 6 Best Options for Florists in Invercargill


There is nothing more refreshing to our mind and eyes than the beauty of nature. It is the peacefulness it carries that makes us feel more relaxed. Flowers, as a product of nature’s beauty also have this power to calm and put a smile to people’s faces. So, if you’re looking for a refreshing element for your room or if you’re looking for a gift to cheer someone up, flowers are the way to go. Flowers are proven to uplift someone’s energy and spirit. Scroll down to see six of the best florists in Invercargill

Note: As of May 14, New Zealand is under Alert Level, allowing most florists to return to their normal operations. Most of the florists in our list are now accepting orders for deliveries and pickups. We’ve also noted the ones with notable service adjustments during the pandemic.

1. Windsor Florist Invercargill


Best For Fresh Flowers
Selection Small
Price Range Starts at $ 20
Delivery Fee $ 8
Contact (03) 217 8050
Payment Visa, Mastercard, CRT

Windsor Florist Invercargill is one of the most well known flower shops in Invercargill. Their customers keep coming back because of their top notch customer service. They go beyond the services they offer to please their customers. Apart from that, they are also backed up by talented and professional florist that will create a stunning arrangement for you.

Note: Despite the lockdown, it will continue to provide service to customers. It has also laid out its schedule for the rest of the year. Customers may visit the website to know when they’re unavailable to deliver flowers.

2. All For Love Flowers


Best For Unique Arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $ 30
Delivery Fee $ 9.95
Contact 032 143076
Payment Mastercard, Visa, Paypal

All for Love Flowers pride themselves with their large selection of flowers that are unique and available only in their shop. They strive to provide services that guarantee customer satisfaction. They also give full floral services to big events like weddings, funerals, baby showers, and others. Whatever the message you wanted to convey, All for Love flowers will perfectly transmit that for you.

Note: Due to the limited selection of flowers, some order may not be accommodated. Customers are advised to check the website prior to ordering to know which ones are available.

3. Tudor House of Flowers


Best For Innovative Designs
Selection Medium
Price Range
Delivery Fee
Contact 800 889911 | (03) 218 9293 | [email protected]

For over 30 years, Tudor House of Flowers create flowers for different occasions and reasons. They offer their services to both personal affairs, corporate accounts, and special occasions. Their staff are award winning florists that creates unique, yet beautiful flowers perfect for different occasions.

4. Accent 4 Flowers


Best For Customized Flowers
Selection Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 65
Delivery Fee Login Needed
Contact (03) 2143945 | 800 321 439
Payment Login Needed

Accent 4 Flowers believe that flowers should be appropriate for the occasion, so they make sure to create a custom design for every customer. Their flowers are at premium quality which means that these are fragrant and fresh. They also offer different gourmet food products that could go well with your flowers. You could also choose to create gift basket to go well with the flowers.

Note: It’s one of the few florists that resumed operations on April 29, when New Zealand was placed under Alert Level 2. As of writing, it only accepts orders for deliveries.

5. Ambrosia Designer Florist Ltd



Best For Food themed arrangements
Selection Starts at $ 20
Price Range Large
Delivery Fee $ 10
Contact (03) 218 3324 | [email protected]
Payment Visa, Mastercard

Ambrosia Designers Florist are well equipped with the best talents in the floral industry. They are passionate about flowers and bringing flowers to share love and joy to every individual. They turn quality flowers into a beautiful piece of art that will lasts longer than you could expect.

Note: One of the many florists that continued to provide customers flowers amidst the pandemic. Customers may send in their orders through the website.

6. Rosie Posie


Best For One style each day
Selection Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 35
Delivery Fee Inclusive in the price of flowers
Contact +      64 27 346 2294

Rosie Posie is not your normal florist. They offer only one design each day and then accept orders. Their designs are trendy and unique, so follow their Facebook account now to be updated on the bouquet of the day. They do this to ensure the quality of flowers and to maintain affordable prices for their customers.