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Best Florists Rangiora

The 6 Best Options for Florists in Rangiora

Flower arrangements are a form of art. Your order is where florists pour their creativity and passion to. This is where they are given the chance to be creative in how to communicate the message a customer wanted to convey. If you wanted to say congratulations, love or admiration. A true florist would know how to say it properly. Here are six of the best flower delivery in Rangiora.

Note: As of May 14, the entire New Zealand is under Alert Level 2, allowing businesses to return to regular operations, although with strict implementation of physical distancing measures. Most of the florists in our list have likewise started accepting orders for both pickup and delivery.

Where applicable, we’ve noted the ones with notable policy adjustments during these trying times.

1. Rangiora Florist Shop


Best For Any Occasion
Selection Small
Price Range
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact 03 313 4292 | [email protected]

Rangiora Florist Shop is a haven of quality products. They are committed to provide supreme quality in all aspects of floral shopping. They specifically source only best quality of flowers for their creations. They also make one of a kind flower arrangements distinctive only in their flower shop.

2. Fis Flowers N Art



Best For Flowers by design
Selection Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 60
Delivery Fee $ 15
Contact 03 313 1043
Payment Account Needed

Fis Flowers N Art has a different way of sorting their flower designs. They categorize the flowers based on design. Firs, you could choose from bouquets, arrangements, water filled box, and roses. Afterwards, you will be redirected to choose from a more specific designs that could cater to the stylish taste of different people.

Note: One of the many shops that continue to operate amidst the situation. Customers may still send in their orders online.

3. Rangiora Flowers Shop



Best For Any occasion
Selection Small
Price Range Starts at $ 30
Delivery Fee $ 7.99
Contact 03 313 6321 | [email protected]
Payment Visa & Mastercard

As a family owned and operated flower shop, Rangiora Flower Shop is hands on to your every order. They make sure to create flowers that exceed your expectations. They also make sure to provide excellent customer service through their friendly and knowledgeable staff. Through them, you don’t have to worry any more with your floral needs.

Note: It has temporarily shut down online ordering due to the shortage of fresh flowers. Check their website regularly to be updated.

4. Kaiapoi Florist


Best For Any occasion
Selection Small
Price Range Starts at $ 60
Delivery Fee $ 10
Contact 64 3327 6535 | info@kaiapoiflorist
Payment Paypal and Credit Card Payment

Kiapoi Florist is a proud member of the Interflora flower network. Through this, they provide floral services all over New Zealand and abroad. Their team is extremely talented a joy to work with. They will help you in envisioning that ideal flower and making it come true through their magical hands. They are very helpful and friendly. Their flowers are also very affordable.

Note: It’s open throughout Alert Level 2, accepting order for delivery and pickup. Customers are suggested to order via phone or online.

5. Mckay & Co Florist



Best For Sustainable Florist
Selection Small
Price Range
Delivery Fee
Contact 021 305 486 | [email protected]

If you are looking for a florist who also cares about the environment, then Mckay & Co florist is the right one for you. They are the most environmentally conscious and responsible florist you’ll ever know. They source their flowers locally, so you are guaranteed that flowers are fresher than ever. The green waste is composted and recycled.

6. Victoria Florists



Best For Any Occasion
Selection Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 50
Delivery Fee $ 20
Contact + 6433517444 | 800 100590
Payment Visa, American Express, Mastercard

Victoria Florists will help you in creating the most beautiful and fit flower for your flower needs. They pride themselves of providing excellent service in New Zealand for both design and customer service. They will create beautiful and unique flowers for your loved one. Apart from that, they also offer gift baskets and hampers perfect for gifts.