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The 8 Best Options for Florists in Rotorua

It is always nice to see fresh flowers sitting on your bedside table, facing your window, and the petals struck by the sunlight. It is as if their natural color and beauty radiates to your whole being which makes you feel lively and calm. This kind of warm feeling is nice to be shared to a loved one and you can do this by sending them maybe a bouquet of roses or basket of tulips. If you are thinking of surprising someone in Rotorua with these flowers, here are the options that you can choose from.

Note: Starting May 14, New Zealand will be put under Alert Level 2 due to the pandemic, allowing most flower shops to resume their normal operations. Most of the florists featured here will likewise continue with their services, unless otherwise stated.

We’ve noted the ones with notable policy adjustments below.

1. Rotorua Florist


Best For Decorative flowers
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at NZD 45
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +64 7-348 1092

When it comes to providing the best quality of flowers most especially for the purpose of decoration, the first thing that will come to mind is Rotorua Florist. They do a very excellent job in creating flower arrangements that matches the mood and theme of event and they guarantee that the flowers that they use are fresh and of high quality.

Note: It’s expected to resume operations on May 14, but customers aren’t allowed inside the shop. Order can be made online or via phone call.

2. Wild Poppies


Best For Well-packaged bouquets
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $69
Delivery Fee Starts at $12
Contact 0800 80 9453
Payment Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, American Express

Wild Poppies has a large collection of elegant-looking flowers packaged in a very neat manner. These flowers are ideally best as gifts because of how handy they are. When you see these flower products, you might not believe that these flower arrangements are sold at very affordable amount. If you want to personally see them yourself, you can look at their website or visit their physical shop.

3. Living Colour Florist


Best For Tropical Flowers
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at NZD 50
Delivery Fee Starts at NZD 7.50
Contact +64 7-349 2288
Payment Visa, Mastercard

Living Colour Florist is guaranteed to be one of your best options when it comes to creating magnificent flower arrangements. This is because the owner itself, Nina Healey, is a professional florist and a truly creative one. They have plenty of options for you to choose from, plus their flower products are sold at very affordable amount!

Note: One of the many shop that continued operating despite the pandemic. Customers may still send in their orders online.

4. Amys Flowers


Best For Vase arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at NZD 65
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +64 7 849 8005
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express, dps

Amys Flowers offer posh flower arrangements particularly vase arrangements that are ideal as table or room decorations. They come in nice and warm colors that truly complement with the kind of vase or basket used. They also cater to events such as weddings, funerals, and corporate meetings.

5. Petals Florist Network


Best For Flowers for any occasion
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at NZD 34.90
Delivery Fee Varies depending on the location
Contact 0508 738 257
Payment Major credit/debit cards

Petals Florist Network is considerably one of New Zealand’s finest. They guarantee premium service and products that will definitely satisfy your flower needs. They have a large selection of flower arrangements laid out for you which are perfect for any kind of occasion. They also want their clients to have seamless shopping experience, so they enable placing orders online or thru phone.

6. zFlowers


Best For Wrapped bouquets
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at NZD 38.12
Delivery Fee
Contact +6448880247
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express

When it comes to secured flower delivery services, zFlowers is your best option. Over the years, they have already proved themselves as one of the most reliable florists in Rotorua and nothing would make them happier than to know they have succeeded in providing excellent quality of service to their beloved clients.

Note: zFlowers is still accepting orders but working with a limited stock of flowers. Some orders may not be accommodated.

7. Bloom Art

Bloom Art Flowers


Best For Wedding or Event Flowers
Selection Medium
Price Range Contact for more details
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Payment Contact for more details

Bloom Art loves to create unique and bespoke flower arrangements using the freshest seasonal blooms from local growers. From the bright and beautiful colours of summer and the pastel shades of spring to soft autumn blooms and rich and moody winter flora, they have you covered.

Whether you are looking for gorgeous wedding flowers, corporate events, or other celebrations that need floral styling, they can help you out. Their team loves flowers and everything that they do, so get in touch with them today! They look forward to working with you and discussing your ideas.

8. Kānuka Boutique Florist


Best For Bouquets and Flower Baskets
Selection Medium
Price Range $7 – $100
Delivery Fee Urban Rotorua – $10.00
Rural Rotorua – $20.00
Urban selected areas of Waikato & Bay of Plenty – $23.50
Contact 07 262 7013 | [email protected]
Payment Contact for more details

“We make people smile with flowers.” Kānuka Boutique Florists strive to use their skills and experience in styling beautiful flower arrangements to give their customers the satisfaction they deserve.

In Kānuka Boutique Florists, you will get to experience a smooth and fast transaction because of their hands-on service, and you will even get to purchase fresh quality cut flowers. For more information, you can reach them through their phone number or their email address.