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Best Flower Delivery Dunedin

The 9 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Dunedin


Considered as the second-largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, Dunedin is composed of diverse people with different culture. It has been renowned as the center for learning as it’s house to some of the oldest university. You can also find beautiful blooming flowers in the area as well as shops that delivers them. Here is the list for you to know.

Note: Due to the easing down of lockdown restrictions, most flower shops in our list have likewise returned to their normal operations, although observing strict physical distancing measures. Most of these are accepting orders for deliveries, unless otherwise stated.

Where applicable, we’ve updated the descriptions of the shop with notable service adjustment during the pandemic.

1. Amaryllis for Flowers


Best For Wedding
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $28.00
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact 0800 474907/+64 3 4749074/[email protected]
Payment VISA, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal

Amaryllis for Flowers provides services for flower arrangements on different occasions. They have professional florists with them that specializes in creating beautiful contemporaneous arrangements using fresh flowers. It was established on 2006 and since then, they garnered satisfied clients over the area. If you’re environmentalist, the shop offers eco friendly ornaments and arrangements that you will surely love.

Note: It’s continued its services but is working on a short supply of flowers. Customers may check the website to know which ones are still available.

2. Simply Flowers by Donna


Best For Contemporary Flower Arrangement
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $70.00
Delivery Fee Central Dunedin: $12.00

Dunedin Outskirts: $20.00

Contact +64 3 456 0550/[email protected]
Payment VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, Bank Transfer

Simply Flowers by Donna promises to supply all your floral needs during your special event. They accommodate weddings, formal meetings, birthdays, and other occasion. You can also find bunch of flower bouquet, and other arrangements. You may contact their team to discuss what you prefer or browse their site to choose among the options given.

3. Marguerita Florist 


Best For Valentines
Selection Size Small
Price Range Starts at $25.00
Delivery Fee Dunedin City and City suburbs $14.00
Contact (03) 477 3485/ 0800 477345/[email protected]
Payment VISA, MasterCard, American Express

You can also get your fresh bouquet or other floral needs from Marguerita Florist. Whatever occasion you have, this shop got your back. Aside from flowers, they also have other personalized gift items that you can buy such as chocolate, books, towels, clothing, and vouchers. They have access on over 45 stores within the Meridian Shopping Center so as to offer its customer what they need.

Note: It will reopen on May 14, once the country is under Alert Level 2. However, only pickups and deliveries are allowed. Customers are requested to place their order online or via phone call.

4. Miss Reid Florist 


Best For Flower Bouquet
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $15.00
Delivery Fee Dunedin City — $13.50

Dunedin Rural — $17.50

Contact 03-4778449/[email protected]
Payment Credit Card, PayPal

Since 1893, Miss Reid Florist has been serving the town for its flower needs. They have well-trained florists that arrange your ornaments the way you want them to be. The shop aims to move towards an environmental friendly space by utilizing compostable wraps and strings.

Note: While its physical store is open, it strongly suggest customers to opt for deliveries and pickups. Walk-in customers aren’t allowed even under Alert Level 2.

5. Bunches & Bows For Flowers Ltd 


Best For Fresh flower
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $50.00
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact +64 (03) 477 8703 | 0800 500 808
Payment All major credit cards, VISA, MasterCard

Bunches & Bows For Flowers Ltd are among the top 10 senders for Telefora. As such, you are certain that their flowers are of high quality. You can select from their vibrant colourful fresh flowers, bouquet, arrangements, and roses. What makes this a good choice is that they offer their flowers at a lower price as compared to their competitors. Thus, you can have a good ornaments at affordable cost.

Note: It can only accommodate contactless deliveries as of the moment. Customers may call or visit the website to know which arrangements are still available.

6. The Flower Shop Roslyn 


Best For Seasonal Flowers
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $40.00
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact 03 4777061/[email protected]
Payment Credit Card, PayPal

Another flower shop that delivers flower around the area is The Flower Shop Roslyn. They offer deliveries six days a week, excluding Sundays. Their florist makes sure that your flowers will arrive at your doorstep fresh and neatly arranged. You can ring their shop and requests for some changes on your arrangement and they’ll surely do it for you.

7. Estelle Flowers 


Best For Vintage vase arrangement
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $65.00
Delivery Fee Delivery within Dunedin city – $10.00

Delivery to outer areas – $15

Contact 03 479 2662/[email protected]
Payment VISA, MasterCard, PayPal

Estelle Flowers has been in the business since 2010 and they have regular customers already visiting their shop. They have dedicated florists which help you create a stunning and wonderful floral arrangement. Like other flower shop, Estelle Flowers envisioned an environmentally conscious business. To serve this purpose, they minimized the use of floral foam and they collect vintage vases and styling accessories.

8. Orchid Florist


Best For Orchids
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $50.00
Delivery Fee City Zone (Mon-Fri) – $15

Outer 1 Zones – $20

Outer 2 Zones – $25

Outer 3 Zones – $30

Restricted Zones (may require 2 days delivery) – $35

Instagram n/a
Contact 03 474 0657 / 03 474 0658 / [email protected]
Payment Major Credit Card, PayPal

We also have Orchid Florist for orchid lovers. They gather flowers from orchids and arranged them as beautiful and neat as possible. With over 75 years in the business, the shop strives to be the best on the field. As a matter of fact, its present owner has been acknowledged by the New Zealand Professional Florist Association having garnered a diploma from them years ago. Aside from flowers, they also offer other items like gift baskets and living plants.

9. Miss Reid


Best For One-of-a-kind bouquets, pots, and dry flowers
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts at $20.00
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact 03-4778449 / [email protected]
Payment Major Credit Card, PayPal

Miss Reid is a floral gallery that specializes in creating in bouquets and arrangements for all occasions. They also offer a range of indoor plants, a few chosen artisan local gifts, and local artworks that are coming soon.

Know that their team tries to source our flowers from local growers as much as possible. Aside from local growers, the rest of their flowers are from New Zealand’s leading flower supplier called United Flower Growers.