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Best Flower Delivery Edmond Oklahoma

The 5 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Edmond, Oklahoma


Edmond is ranked as the sixth largest city in the state of Oklahoma. A city this big surely has an abundant source of flowers to be catered to everyone all year round.

Here are the best shops for flower delivery in Edmond.

1. Kickingbird Flowers & Gifts


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $38
Delivery Fee $11 local fee
Instagram n/a
Contact (405) 348-6866
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Established in 1988, Kickingbird Flowers & Gifts is owned by Debbie McFarlin and her daughter, Kim. They use the freshest flowers to create a blooming arrangement that their customers deserve.

2. Madeline’s Flower Shop


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $35
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact 405-341-2530
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Madeline’s Flower Shop is committed in making their customers 100% satisfied with their floral arrangements. They are dedicated in creating long term relationships with their customers because they care about them.

3. Designs by Tammy


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts from $44.95
Delivery Fee Depends non location
Instagram n/a
Contact (405) 340-3233
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Family-owned and operated, Designs by Tammy who has a team that is dedicated in creating beautiful floral arrangements that can bring comfort and joy to people in the most important events in their life.

4. All About Flower Power


Best For Personal gifts
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts from $30
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact (405) 844-9116
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay

All About Flower Power is a full-service florist that has a very welcoming staff. They are family owned and operated and they make prompt deliveries.

5. Especially for You Flowers & Gifts


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts from $44.99
Delivery Fee $10 local fee
Instagram n/a
Contact 405-751-1643
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, Diners Club, Carte Blanche

Especially for You Flowers choose only the finest and freshest blooms to use for their floral arrangements. They ensure that their floral pieces will arrive perfectly and personalized to their customers for any special occasion.