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Best Flower Delivery Greenville, South Carolina

8 Best Flower Delivery in Greenville, South Carolina


Sometimes words and emotions are hard to express, especially if they are coated with honesty and love. That is exactly why the art of flower making existed—because of unsaid words and emotions. So, if you want to express your love for someone, send them flowers.

Here, we have curated the best options in Greenville. Composed of local florists that have distinct floral styles—from delicate floral arrangements to all-out elegance, you find something that will suit your mood, and your emotions that are waiting to be expressed.

1.     Dalhia A Florist


BEST FOR Custom arrangements


PRICE RANGE $54.99 – $200.00

DELIVER FEE Same-day delivery. Delivery fees may vary.



CONTACT (864) 232-0112 |[email protected]

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, and MasterCard

Dalhia A Florist has a floral arrangement that has dainty appeal on it, with soft colors and well combination of flowers. If you are looking for something that is fresh in terms of floral design, they are the right choice to make your floral needs. Their floral style is effortlessly curated with variations, yet it looks coherent and beautiful. They are the right choice for customer arrangements—for that special arrangement, for a special someone.

2.     Petals & Co.


BEST FOR Luxury collection


PRICE RANGE $35.00 – $350.00

DELIVER FEE Same-day delivery. Delivery fees may vary.



CONTACT 8642979888 |

[email protected]

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, and MasterCard

Serving the greater Greenville and surrounding areas for more than 60 years, Petals & Co. has the experience and the excellence. Their floral arrangements have a sense of luxury on it. With well-combined flowers and tamed colors, their designs will make you feel sophisticated and elegant. They cater to different floral needs and gives the finest arrangements. Greenville or anywhere in the country, they can send your flower gift to your loved one.

3.     Twigs


BEST FOR Romantic bouquets


PRICE RANGE $25.00 – $225.00

DELIVER FEE Same-day delivery. Delivery fees may vary.


INSTAGRAM @twigsgreenville

CONTACT (864) 297-6232 | [email protected]

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, and MasterCard

Since 1990, Twigs is known for their artistic floral designs that are both classy and trendy. Their floral arrangement is distinct to their brand—soft, charming and appealingly rustic. They have different floral services, specializing in wedding events. Hence, they know the floral language of romance. So, they are the right choice if you intend to send flowers for your lover. They will surely provide more than what you expect with their stylish floral designs that will make your loved one appreciate you more.

4.     Touch of Class


BEST FOR Artistic vase arrangements


PRICE RANGE $30.00 – $150.00

DELIVER FEE Local delivery fee of $7.95 Delivery fees may vary for deliveries outside the local area.



CONTACT (864) 233-8542

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, and MasterCard

With fall colors and artistic designs, Touch of Class is true to its name; their designs exude class and sophistication. Their floral arrangements are different from the usual. Each of their designs has an eccentric appeal to it, from the floral combination to the leaf accents. You will look at their floral designs with amazement and please.

And they have different specialty in floral arrangements. They can do tropical flowers, silk arrangements and even dried floral arrangements. They can delivery to different establishments and places in Greenville.

5.     Expressions Unlimited


BEST FOR Rustic inspired arrangements


PRICE RANGE $45.00 – $150.00

DELIVER FEE Local delivery fee of $9.95 Delivery fees may vary for deliveries outside the local area.



CONTACT (864) 271-9972

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, and MasterCard

In the business since 1981, Expressions Unlimited has a great foundation of experience in the art of flower making. Serving Greenville with the finest floral arrangements, they provide different arrangement for different occasions. Whatever you have in mind, they will design a floral arrangement that is distinct to their design sensibility, which is appealingly rustic and composed of fall muted colors. So, if you are looking for something that is different and fresh in terms of design, Expressions Unlimited will help you translate your expression in a beautiful and unusual way.

6.     The Embassy Flowers


BEST FOR European inspired floral designs


PRICE RANGE $45.00 – $150.00

DELIVER FEE Local delivery fee of $15.00 Delivery fees may vary for deliveries outside the local area.


INSTAGRAM @embassy_flowers

CONTACT (864) 282-8600 | (800) 972-5686

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, and MasterCard

With a European appeal, Embassy Flowers has floral arrangements that express class in a different way. Their designs are artistically curated, with variant cuts of flowers and unusual color combination that turns into alluring floral arrangements. They specialize in different floral services, from high-style arrangements to wedding events to home accessories. They can cater your order online, or simply contact them for their custom arrangement service. And they will deliver it to any place in Greenville.

7.     Bella’s Floral


BEST FOR Classic floral arrangements


PRICE RANGE $45.00 – $150.00

DELIVER FEE Local delivery. Delivery fees may vary.



CONTACT (864) 787-1269

PAYMENT Visa, American Express, Discover Network, MasterCard, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Paypal

For a classic choice, Bella’s Floral is the ultimate choice. Their floral arrangements are composed of traditional designs and techniques, from flower to color choices. You will never go wrong with their floral designs. So, if you are looking for a local florist in Greenville to curate your floral need, Bella’s Floral have the right arrangement for you. Composed of classic designs, they have everything you need. And to ensure you will experience convenience, they have a 24-hour ordering on their website.

8.     Rosa’s


BEST FOR Dainty bouquets


PRICE RANGE $25.00 – $75.00

DELIVER FEE Nationwide delivery. Free shipping.


INSTAGRAM @rosasgvl

CONTACT [email protected]

PAYMENT Credit Cards

Rosa’s has a delicate beauty on its bouquets. Their designs are simple yet has its refreshing appeal on it compared to usual floral arrangements on the market. Most of their floral arrangements play on the classic flowers, such as roses in different colors, tulips and daisies. They curate flowers in small bouquets and creates this simple beauty that will make anyone realize that they are appreciated as they receive it. So, if you are looking for something refreshing to give to you loved one, Rosa’s is the choice you want to make.