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Best Sunday Flower Delivery Hai Phong

The 4 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Hai Phong


There are many beautiful places around Hai Phong that you might consider visiting. They have mausoleums, pagodas, shrines and temples. Around 100km away from here, you will discover a city with a colonial look. This is known to be ‘The City of Flame Flowers’ as it’s filled with flame flower trees. Since the place has bountiful supply of fresh flowers, you can find some flower delivery in the locality.

1. Vietnam Flowershop


Best For Roses
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts at $43.70
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact +8497 35 35 559
Payment VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, PayPal, Bank Transfer, Western Union, Money Gram,

Vietnam Flowershop gives its customers the freewill to design their own bouquet or flower arrangement. Aside from the flowers that you can choose online, you can also send a photo of your desired arrangement, and they will be the one to craft them for you. They also offer consulting service and good customer support.

2. Pickup Flowers


Best For Fresh bouquet
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $31.95
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact [email protected]
Payment VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, uKash, Neteller, Poli, Sofort, giropay, Diners Club

Pickup Flowers provides top quality service partnered with their elegant and beautifully arranged flowers. They guarantee that each flower arrangements are handled with diligence and personal care. The shop is proud to serve their customer with a happy heart and considerate mind. With more than hundreds of customers in the past, they continue to serve the area and deliver to other place around Vietnam.

3. Vietnamsgift


Best For Bouquets
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts at $66.95
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact +84.9110.31221/ [email protected]
Payment VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, PayPal

For many years, Vietnamsgift has been the to-go of many in terms of buying gifts and token of appreciation. Welll, what can you say as it offers different services for various events like birthday, weddings, and debuts? As they have been in the business for so long, they have a vast network around the country so they can look for what you want.

4. HoaXinh


Best For Wedding
Selection Size Small
Price Range Starts at R$5.99
Delivery Fee Calculated upon checkout
Contact 017-3725372/832-276-8805/

[email protected]

Payment VISA, MasterCard, Discover

Hao Xhing offers various choices of flower arrangements that you may purchase or order for delivery. To cater its clients, the shop offers a refund from rendering unsatisfactory items and private policy for the information sought from them by the process of registration.