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Best Flower Delivery Irving Texas

The 9 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Irving, Texas


Some people treat flowers as a mere decoration or adornment to a place or an event, but do you know that flowers actually trigger happy emotions? Flowers could affect our emotions, activities, and even life satisfaction. So, if you’re looking of ways to relieve the stress from work or family, treat yourself with a flower. We listed some of the best flower deliveries in Irving, Texas below.

1. Flowers of Las Colinas



Best For Any Occasion
Selection Small & Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 45
Delivery Fee $ 18
Contact 972 281 1000
Payment American Express, Visa, Mastercard

Flowers of Las Colinas has expert florist provide full service flower shop. This is perfect for big events and occasions like weddings, funerals, personal occasion, and corporate events. Apart from the premium flowers, they also have great selection of additional gifts to complement the flower arrangement. They have balloons, greeting cards, and many more gift items.

2. Flowers For You by Yoni



Best For Large Inventory of Flowers
Selection Small & Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 50
Delivery Fee $ 9.50
Contact 972 233 9037 | 800 530 4686
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, House Account

Since 1972, Flowers For You By Yoni has been servicing the floral needs of Irving. They ensure customer satisfaction through fast delivery and high quality of flowers. Some of their best floral arrangements are also uploaded in their website, so be sure to check it and book them now.

3. Paraiso Flower Shop



Best For Red Roses
Selection Medium & Large
Price Range Starts at $ 39.99
Delivery Fee $ 8
Contact 972 600 9688 | [email protected]
Payment Paypal, Call Store for Payment

Paraiso Flowers make use of roses alone for different occasions from romance to funerals. They put up stunning roses in a hat box or bouquet for anniversary and romantic dates, yet they also create beautiful wreaths and casket flowers for funeral using roses.

4. Devin Designs Flowers


Best For Any Occasion
Selection Small, Medium & Large
Price Range Starts at $ 45
Delivery Fee $ 15
Contact 817 481 7818
Payment American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover

Devin Designs Flowers is very impressive not just on their flower designs, but also their customer service. Apart from the premium floral designs, they listen to their customers well from their requirements, needs to budget. They also ensure that recipient’s address and name are gotten correctly. But if you mistakenly put the wrong address, they will do their best to still deliver on time.

5. Plum Floral Arrangements


Best For Tailored-fit floral packages
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $15.00
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact (469) 805-1613 | [email protected]
Payment Contact for details

Plum Floral Arrangements is a love project of husband and wife, Jo Ann and Ped, which began while they were still based in Manila, Philippines and managing their own flower shop. They started their online shop in the hopes that they can apply the same values and winning formula like impeccable customer service, value for money, and creative, fresh floral designs to their customers in Dallas/Fort Worth area.

6. I love Roses Florist



Best For Spanish-themed floral designs
Selection Medium & Large
Price Range Starts at 40.99
Delivery Fee $ 20
Contact 214 339 1962
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

The Rodriguez Family has been operating the I Love Roses Florist for over 30 years, and they continue to shower love and joy around Irving and nearby areas. They are well-known for their Spanish-themed floral designs and other everyday flowers.

7. Gloria’s Flowers


Best For Premium Flowers
Selection Small & Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 49
Delivery Fee $ 12
Contact 214 339 9263
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover

The second generation of the family is now operating Gloria’s Flowers. Their secret to success? They only offer premium quality of flowers in their designs. Over the years, they have been consistently serving the most creative flower designs and they became well known for this.

8. The Chocolate Rose



Best For Any Occasion
Selection Medium
Price Range Starts at $ 50
Delivery Fee $ 12.95
Contact 972 402 9490 | 800 488 9490
Payment Paypal, Visa, Mastercard

The Chocolate Rose has a unique yet artistic style of designing their flowers. This signature design is created by the best florist in the industry. Apart from their roles in The Chocolate Florist, their creative staff also create designs for magazines, flower shows, and seminars.

9. Vivek Flowers



Best For Traditional
Selection Medium
Price Range
Delivery Fee
Contact 214 662 6640

Vivek Flowers honors the Hindu culture through their flower arrangements and offerings. Impressively, the floral garlands are used to worship their deities, the flowers were all imported from India. The flowers make it even more perfect since they were sourced all the way from India.