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Best Flower Delivery Michigan

The 14 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Michigan


Did you know that the name Michigan means Large Lake? Before it was developed into a state-centered with various industries, the place is home to lots of natural sceneries such as the waters, floras, and faunas. This is indeed proven by the abundant flower resources that the state’s local florist use in creating magnificent flower arrangements. Keep on reading to know more about them.

1. Thrifty Florist


Best For Premium vase arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $39.95
Delivery Fee $9.99
Contact +1 248-203-2980
Payment Visa, Mastercard

If you are looking for vase arrangements that will match your classy and posh rooms, you might want to consider taking a look at the fresh flower collection of Thrifty Florist. Also, they stand true to their name because they offer their products at very affordable prices.

2. Viviano Flower Shop


Best For Decorative arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $20
Delivery Fee Starts at $9.50
Contact +1 586-293-0227
Payment Visa, Mastercard

Are you thinking of sending someone some flowers but don’t have the luxury to do so? Cry no more because we found a perfect match for you. Viviano Flower Shop has a large collection of colorful and fragrant flowers that are designed to make your place look vibrant and more importantly they sell these at very affordable prices.

3. Wright’s Flowers and Gifts


Best For Deluxe vase arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $50
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +1 219-873-1111
Payment Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, Discover, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Wright’s Flowers and Gifts was established in 1984 by Ken & Jeanne Huff. It is a local flower shop in Michigan that offer top-notch and professional flower arrangement services. Their experienced designers can create floral designs that are not only of high quality but also crafty and creative.

4. Mancuso’s Florist, Inc.


Best For Colorful mixed bouquets
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $42.95
Delivery Fee
Contact +1 586-359-2728
Payment Visa, Mastercard

Since its existence in 1980, Mancuso’s Florist, Inc. has been providing excellent quality of flower services. They strive to create only the finest flower arrangements in Michigan and their goal is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. If you want to place orders you can just call their phone number, visit their website, or come to their physical shop.

5. Crystal Springs Florist



Best For Tropical flower baskets
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $45
Delivery Fee $12.50
Contact +1 269-925-1167
Payment Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express

Flower basket is probably one of the simplest types of arrangement but for Crystal Springs Florist everything that they create is special. They want their customers to leave their shop with a big smile on their faces or for the recipient of their flower products to feel loved and appreciated.

6. Theresa Kay’s Time for Flowers














Best For Fresh and silk floral arrangements for all occasions
Selection Large
Price Range Contact for details
Delivery Fee Contact for details
Contact (989) 472-4788 / [email protected]
Payment Contact for details

Theresa Kay’s Time for Flowers is a friendly, family-owned and operated florist located in downtown, Corunna, Michigan. If you’re looking for a unique floral design experience, they also offer DIYers the opportunity to build their own beauty with their build your own bouquet bar. Delivery is available within a 35-mile radius for all standard orders.

7. Erika’s Flowers


Best For Flowers for all occasions
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $46.99
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +1 (989) 755-9330
Payment Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Apple Pay

Erika’s Flowers works hard to craft outstanding floral arrangements and provide exceptional customer satisfaction to Saginaw, MI. You can shop from their wide selection of floral designs, bountiful bouquets, and other creative floral arrangements to send a meaningful gift in MI from a floral artist.

8. Rosemary & Pepper Flower Co.


Best For Flowers for all occasions
11 Large
Price Range Starts at $33.98
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact 989-448-2728 | [email protected]
Payment Contact for details

Rosemary & Pepper Flower Co. of Gaylord, MI uses only the freshest and best quality petals to handcraft your bouquet. When you order from them, it means you’re supporting local small businesses in Gaylord, MI. So be sure to check out their wide range of offerings and choose a breathtaking bouquet.

9. The Flower Shop


Best For Flowers for all occasions
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $45.00
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact (734) 425-5353 | [email protected]
Payment Contact for details

The Flower Shop in Westland makes sending fresh flowers easy! Browse their website and order online or call the shop to place your order. They can even create custom gift baskets that make the perfect gift your upcoming special occasion. Whether you want to send a gift to a friend in Westland or a relative across the country, trust The Flower Shop in Westland for beautiful bouquets that fit your budget.

10. Jon Anthony Florist


Best For Classic vase arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $29.50
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +1 517-485-7271
Payment Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal

Jon Anthony Florist is committed to build good relationships with their customers by providing utmost products and services. This flower delivery shop creates stunning arrangements with fresh and high quality flowers. They also ensure to always guarantee 100% customer satisfaction to maintain their credibility.

11. Blossoms


Best For Petite flower arrangements`
11 Large
Price Range Starts at $40
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +1 248-644-4411
Payment Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express

Blossoms offer a large collection of fresh flowers that they turn into magnificent flower arrangements. Whether you are looking for a gift for a friend or a flower service for an anniversary dinner, be sure to check out their website and find out more about their works.

12. Country Flowers & More


Best For Flowers for all occasions
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $24.00
Delivery Fee Contact for details
Contact (989) 539-6501 | [email protected]
Payment Contact for details

Karen Hulliberger and her staff at Country Flowers & More have a passion for floral designing with impact. They have all worked in this industry for many years. Today, they offer floral arrangements, fresh flowers, home decor, gift shop, tanning salon and local handmade items like chocolates.

13. Tiffany Florist



Best For Bonsai flowers
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $49.45
Delivery Fee $11.95
Contact +1 248-646-0333
Payment Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express

Tiffany Florist gather their flowers from different parts of the world to make sure that you have plenty of options for your desired flower arrangement. They also make sure to sell only the finest flowers which have long vase lives so they would wither and die easy. Since 1973, they have established themselves as one of the most trustworthy flower shops in Michigan.

14. Design Works Flowers


Best For Decorative Arrangements
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $24.95
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact 248-656-3995
Payment Contact for details

Design Works Flowers is the best place to look for an arrangement on any occasion. Offering a variety of styles for every event, Design Works Flowers will be there to provide you with flowers that will convey your sentiments and feelings for each milestone you take.

Offering consultations for wedding events, they make sure that your personal touch and preference will be a part of their works. They also offer services for Christmas Tree arrangements and removal. For all your flower decorating needs, Design Works Flowers is the way to go.