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Best Flower Delivery Troy Michigan

The 4 Best Options for Flower Delivery in Troy, Michigan

Found at the heart of the northern suburbs in Metropolitan Detroit, Troy City is the largest in Oakland County. They are a leading business and shopping center where beautiful flowers can be found care of the top florists.

Here are the best shops for flower delivery in Troy.

1. Accent Florist


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $39.95
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact (248) 689-4240
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Accent Florist is proud to share their passion for flowers for other people to enjoy. They have a large selection fresh flowers and quality plants to use for their creations.

2. Della’s Maple Lane Florist


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $39.95
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Instagram n/a
Contact (248) 585-4441
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay

Della’s Maple Lane Florist offers a wide variety of fresh flowers and creative gift ideas that can match any style or budget that their customers prefer.

3. Floranza Designs


Best For Personal gifts
Selection Size Medium
Price Range Starts from $55
Delivery Fee Depends on location
Contact (248) 825-4451 | [email protected]
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Floranza Designs is owned by Esparanza, whose team is dedicated in creating floral arrangements that is all about beauty and satisfaction.

4. Ye Olde Flower Barn


Best For Any occasion
Selection Size Large
Price Range Starts from $34.95
Delivery Fee $10 local fee
Instagram n/a
Contact (248) 879-6100 | [email protected]
Payment Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Network

Ye Olde Flower Barn has been in business for 42 years and counting. They are a family owned and operated florist who is committed in providing only the finest floral arrangements to bring joy to special celebrations.