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Send Flowers to Bangladesh

The 8 Best Options to Send Flowers to Bangladesh


The country of Bangladesh is known for its beautiful landscape and abundant waterways that is why it is not doubtful that the people of this country are able to grow and harvest fresh and good quality flowers which they eventually turn into wonderful flower arrangements. If you are interested to know what kind of arrangements these people create, make sure to read this article from top until the end.

1. Florista.Delivery


Best For Bouquets
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at ৳750.00
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +880 1984-549141

Florista.Delivery is a premium flower shop in Bangladesh with a large inventory of fresh flowers and stunning designs. The shop promises to deliver your orders in the agreed time while maintaining the good quality of their products.



Best For Flowers for any occasion
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $17.99
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +880 1716-597437
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal, JCB, Debit Card, 2CC, Discover, Diners Club

Aside from the fact that offers tons of flower arrangement options, some of the reason why you should place your next order at their store is that they offer same day delivery, delivers seven days a week, offers free delivery in Metro Dhaka and and they have a track checking online for your convenience.



Best For Mixed arrangements
Selection Medium
Price Range Starts at $27.26
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +880 1709-639280
Payment Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal is your one-stop shop especially for gifts because not only they sell fresh flowers, they also offer souvenir gifts, stuffed toys, and even pastries that will definitely complement with your choice of flowers. They also sends photo confirmation as proof that they have delivered your order to the recipient.

4. DhakaRosarium


Best For Spring flowers
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at ৳770
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +880 1973-569377

DhakaRosarium creates stunning flower arrangements suited for any type of occasion. Their designs are perfect even from the simplest corporate assembly or to the grandest wedding of the century.



Best For Flowers for any occasion
Selection Large
Price Range Starts at $19.99
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +880 1711-109696
Payment has been in business for four years and throughout those times it has proven itself to be one of most reliable flower shops in Bangladesh. Their friendly staff are always available to assist you in choosing the appropriate flower for your event.

6. BD Flower shop


Best For Classic flower arrangements
Selection Small
Price Range
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact +880 1799-774778
Payment Visa, Mastercard

BD Flower shop offers quite a handful of options for flower arrangement that may vary according to your budget and preferences. If you want to know more about their flower products, you can give them a call or simply visit their website.

7. Giftallbd


Best For Cheap Delivered Gifts and Large Catalogue of Choices
Selection Large
Price Range $0.49 – $240
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact 01786655189 | [email protected]
Payment PayNow, Bkash

From Father’s Day Gifts to Ramadan Iftar packages, Giftallbd easily has one of the largest number of different categories compared to other online gift delivery services. Likewise, they also have the largest range of prices from some gifts going as low as $0.49 to as high as $240 to easily accommodate your budget!

Within moments and without unnecessary formalities, their website is quick, easy, and accessible without needing to leave the comforts of your home! You will save not only time, but also money for a quality gift. Make your love one’s day even brighter by getting them a special and one-of-a-kind gift from Giftallbd.

8. UpoharBd


Best For Various different products from a wide array of categories
Selection Large
Price Range $10 – $120
Delivery Fee Calculated at checkout
Contact  +88 01709 639 280
Payment Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, American Express, bKash, Western Union, Brac Bank, CAN is a Bangladeshi online gift shop and they deliver gifts in Bangladesh. You can order cake, flowers, food items and package gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Eid, Ramadan, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and all other special occasions for different price ranges to guarantee that your money is well spent.

At, you can order gifts and flowers online to be delivered to your friends, family, and business clients wherever you need it to be delivered. Their staff is always available 24/7 to assist you to send gifts to Bangladesh from Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, European and Middle Eastern countries.