Pollination is a necessary part of healthy nature.
It’s defined as the process whereby pollen is transferred from the male anther of one flower to the female stigma of another flower to produce seeds and thus, more plants.
Some gardens with beautiful and bright flowers make it easy for butterflies and bees to feed on nectar and carry pollen, while others don’t.
So, if you want to build a pollinator garden, you’re right on cue, as we’ll teach you how through this simple step-by-step guide.
1) Pick your location

Location is important since this will dictate which pollinator you’ll attract in your garden.
For example, butterflies love bright-colored flowers such as yellow and red, bees are drawn to white and yellow flowers with a light and fresh scent, and hummingbirds love red and orange plants.
In addition to knowing your target pollinators, you have to ensure the flowers get full or partial sun so they can survive. Also, they must be protected from the wind so the pollinators can stop by without any problem.
2) Know your soil type
Next, identify the type of soil you have. Is your soil sandy and well-drained, clay-like and moist, or healthy and loamy?
This will determine the type of plants you can grow and the pollinators they will attract. So it helps to do further research before starting a pollinator garden.
3) Select the right plants

After you’ve done that, you should now have an idea of what kinds of flowers and plants you’d like to grow in your new garden.
It’s best to choose perennial plants because they can last for several years. We recommend native flowers, as they are well-adjusted to your area’s climate and need less maintenance.
Furthermore, pick those that bloom in different seasons. The reason is that pollinators need them for nectar in summer, autumn, and late fall.
Also, steer clear of plants that have been chemically treated with insecticides, pesticides, or neonicotinoids because these can harm the lovely pollinators.
4) Prepare your garden

Now, cultivate your land to plant your chosen flowers. The choice is yours whether you want to grow flowers from the ground or in containers.
Either way, it helps to add nutrient-rich compost or organic fertilizers to your soil. This fosters a wonderful and healthy garden with greater chances of attracting butterflies, moths, bees, and other pollinators.
5) Plant your seeds or flowers
The ideal time to plant your seeds or flowers is during late winter and autumn. Seeds need time to germinate, and these are the ideal times of the year to bury them in the soil so they can be ready in the spring or summer.
To do this, simply disperse your seeds on the soil surface and work them in it with a garden trowel or hoe.
During winter, scatter them on the snow and allow the sun to get them under it. And as a result, they can retain moisture that’ll help them grow.
Check the plant’s winter hardiness zone according to the United States Department of Agriculture to know if it can be planted in a given cold temperature.
And ensure you dig a hole big enough to house the plant’s roots and put soil or compost around it. To prevent or reduce weeds, add mulch to your soil as well.
6) Wait and maintain your garden
All the hard work is done, congratulations! But normally, you may have to wait for a while before you can see bees and butterflies flying by your garden.
In the meantime, you can keep your garden attractive and healthy for pollinators by watering and weeding its plants regularly as needed.